Lilly Bits O' Heaven - Angelic Shichon Puppies
Summer & Chewie pups
Placed using our waitlist ~  with our pre-screened families!
Welcome to the World! Born 10/30/2022
Go home week December 26th - Jan 7th 
(firm date range)
Meet Zach. Little Boy. 
Congratulations Gary & Wendy!
Chosen! Shhh I'm a surprise...
Meet Bryan. Little Boy.
Chosen! Congratulations Heather!
Meet Morgan. Little girl. 
Congratulations Tara!
Meet Wallen. Little boy. 

Here is the selection video!
Meet the parents! Chewie at13 lbs on the left, and Summer at 11 lbs on the right! Big eyes, sweet faces, people oriented personalities and love to snuggle!